Recent News

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Pre-School Registration Open

Discovering H.A.N.D.S. Pre-School Registration for 2024-2025 School Year is now Open. Plese call 219-984-5287 to register.

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The splash pad is open for the 2024 season..  Please observe all posted rules for the safety and enjoyment of all.  HAVE FUN!!

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If you do not receive your mail via a PO Box, you may receive your utility bills later than in the past.  Due to a change in USPS policy, all "route" mail which in the past has been given directly...

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Reminder to all residents. The use of the dumpsters at the town garage and dumping at the water treatment plant is prohibited.  Apex offers the service of picking up extra bags of trash and large...

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Town of Chalmers Launches a Brand New Website! Subscribe Today!

We are excited to announce that our new website has launched and includes all the information our community needs. Let us know what you think! View the website and/or sign up for alerts at

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